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The Power of Disaggregation

We pride ourselves on our ability to provide you with strong summary data and easy-to-understand reports after gathering input and feedback from our wide variety of survey tools. Whether it is through a community-wide survey regarding operational funding or capital improvements, through our staff, student, and parent surveys, or by way of our other survey options, we are passionate about presenting you a summary of findings to help you measure what matters and make a plan.

Educators know that summary reports are only the beginning. Much more can be learned, and many more improvements can be made, when the data is broken out and studied in greater depth. Over and above our summary reports, one of our not-so-secret weapons is our ability to provide you with numerous ways to disaggregate your data. The power of our disaggregation options will help you use your data to more specifically determine the next steps in response to your survey findings.

Community Survey Disaggregation Options

When it comes to community surveys, we empower you to disaggregate your data in several ways. Some of the most helpful options are below:

  • Respondent Type: What is their connection to the survey question you are asking, and how do the plans impact them?

    • Staff: They are critical members of your team and your future plans impact their working conditions. Their input is very important, but they represent less than 1% of your community population and voters.

    • Parents: They are highly engaged in what you are considering and need to support your plans. They make up about 25% of your community. We can also break out your results by what school their children attend.

    • Non-Parents/Non-Staff: They are typically less connected to the school district, but their support is critical because they make up around 75% of your community. Your plans must reflect their input.

  • Age: What stage of life are they in, and how does the survey question impact them? Senior citizens have high voting attendance and are also most likely to be on fixed incomes.

    • 18-24

    • 25-34

    • 35-44

    • 45-54

    • 55-64

    • 65+

  • Municipalities: Where do they live within your school district, and how does your survey question impact them and their community?

    • Cities within your district

    • Townships within your district

    • Villages within your district

    • Neighborhoods within your district

Staff-Student-Parent Survey Disaggregation Options

When it comes to staff, student, and parent surveys, we empower you to disaggregate your data in numerous ways. Some of the most popular are below:

  • Assigned School:

    • Where do they work, attend, or send their children?

    • What are the strengths and areas in need of improvement at their school?

  • Grade Level:

    • What is their child’s age or student’s grade level?

    • What are the strengths and areas in need of improvement within their grade level

  • Support Services Utilized:

    • What support programs do their children utilize (special education, 504, etc.)?

    • What are the strengths and areas in need of improvement within the support programs?

  • Job Assignment:

    • What role do staff serve?

    • What are the strengths and areas of improvement from the perspective of their job assignment, grade level, department, or school level?

  • Years of Experience:

    • Are they new to the district, mid-career, or longtime veteran staff?

    • What are the strengths and areas of improvement from the perspective of their years of service? How could these factors impact retention and job satisfaction?

The bottom line is that your overall summary report tells a lot of the story, but it does not tell the entire story. Our disaggregation tools will help you dig deeper and find strengths you may not have been aware of and areas of improvement you have wondered about. Our data gathering tools combined with the power of our disaggregation options will help you prioritize your findings and determine your next steps.

At School Perceptions, we would be thrilled to partner with you in measuring what matters.


The School Perceptions Blog and Resource Center features the voices of our team members. This post was written by Daren Sievers, Project Manager.


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