We shared this message in our last newsletter (by the way, if you want to sign up, click here and go to the bottom of the page!), but it’s very worth repeating:
I speak on behalf of the entire team when I say that we very genuinely want to thank you for all you do every single day to help students learn, grow, and develop.
People working in education understand that the field is never 9 to 5. Papers to be graded pile up, school board meetings always seem to run late on nights with the most beautiful weather, curriculum needs to be rewritten, phone calls need to be returned, and schedules are always full.
(Photo credit: Wendy Maeda, Boston Globe)
B.B. King, the great singer-songwriter, said, “The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.”
Over the last 15 months, you’ve made sure kids have the books, internet access, and mental health support they need to get up and do another day.
You’ve helped your kids learn. And no one can take that away from them.
We’re looking forward to a bright, fresh school year in September, and we’ll be here to support you along the way.
But in the meantime!
Keep an eye out for our summer blog series. This series, running next week through August, will feature survey best practices we’ve learned through our 20 years of experience. It’ll feature topics such as:
When should I deploy each survey type?
How do I reach people where they’re at—mail, cell phone, something else?
Are the questions I’m asking going to get me the data I need?
What are the pros and cons of survey customization?
And so much more!
The series will be written by all our team members based on our respective expertise, so there’ll always be something new to read and learn!
Last two things!
Keep an eye on this space for new survey products we’ll be launching over the summer (including our New School Year Planning Tool!), and if you haven’t done so yet, read/share/apply to our open account manager position!
The School Perceptions Blog and Resource Center features the voices of our team members. This post was written by Rob DeMeuse, Research Director & Project Manager.