A number of years ago, we were working with a district in the Midwest that was doing some spring staff planning.
The superintendent shared a survey that was intended to guide professional development focus areas the next year. District leaders used the information gleaned from that survey, spent the summer planning, and presented the goals at a staff meeting before the next year started.
“Based on your spring survey feedback, our professional development will be guided by X, Y, and Z this year.”
About halfway through the presentation, a staff member stopped the superintendent and said, “Yeah… We didn’t really think you’d listen. Can we take that survey again?”
Rather sheepishly, the superintendent called us back and asked us to re-administer the survey and start from scratch.
This district is now firmly in a successful cycle of continuous school improvement. At the time, they clearly were not. While the superintendent was on board with the gathering and application of data, their staff had not yet had time to buy in.
School board members and administrators know they need data to drive their decision-making processes. But knowing where to go to get this information in an easily digestible format and from a credible, reputable source can quickly become overwhelming.
School Perceptions recognizes this.
To help you, we created a suite of research-based surveys administered on the School Perceptions platform that helps you engage stakeholders, establish goals, and identify planning priorities.
We will introduce the package through the lens of the employee exit survey at this year’s Wisconsin State Education Convention January 20th through the 22nd!
Our information is relevant for you even if you’re outside of Wisconsin!
Check out our presentation on our YouTube channel.
The School Perceptions Blog and Resource Center features the voices of our team members. This post was written by Rob DeMeuse, Project Manager & Research Director.