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Board roles are numerous and varied. Are members on the same page?

The Annual Board Development Tool (ABDT) is intended to help school boards nationwide work together to serve their communities effectively. By developing skills, acquiring knowledge, and redefining goals, school boards who take advantage of this tool can be more prepared to take on the challenge of supporting a district. If your district’s board wants to take steps to improve, the ABDT is an excellent starting point.

The ABDT is based off a framework titled The Key Work of School Boards, developed by the National School Board Association in 2000. This framework was developed with Student Achievement as the ultimate goal. There are five main factors that influence this, as seen in the star graphic below.

The planning tool is organized around the following areas with a series of survey questions related to each:

  • Board Operations

  • Data-Driven Decision Making

  • Budgeting

  • Planning

  • District Operations

  • Policy

  • Community Engagement

  • Vision

  • Culture

Once all members of the board have completed the survey, School Perceptions can provide a report with averages and comparison results. This data can be used to assess the strengths and weakness of your board and see where you stand among school boards statewide.

If you are interested in the ABDT survey, contact School Perceptions at and we can get you all the information you need. We hope that it helps your board be more goal-oriented and cohesive so you can make a positive impact in your district.

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The School Perceptions Blog and Resource Center features the voices of our team members. This post was written by Tom Wade, Project Manager.


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